About Chartwell Community Association (CCA)
**For the most current amount collected under the SCBD, please click here**
The CCA was incorporated originally in 1962 as the St. Ives Improvement Association, Inc. In 1963, it was renamed as the Chartwell Community Association, Inc. (CCA).
The CCA has 4 officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. The CCA's Board of Directors consists of those four officers, the most recent Past President of the CCA, the current President of the St. Andrews Swim and Tennis Club and up to 12 other members. These latter members fulfill important positions and are responsible for Maintenance of the Building and Grounds, Social affairs, Roads and Safety, Programs, Public Service, Covenants, the Compass newsletter and other appropriate items. All of the CCA Directors are volunteers elected by community ballots in December to serve staggered 2 year terms. The CCA Board meets in open meeting upstairs in the Club House at 7:30 pm normally on the third Thursday of each month.
The CCA administers a Special Community Benefit District that roughly encompasses the geographic boundaries of the Chartwell community. The limits of the Chartwell Special Community Benefit District are set forth on the plats of the Chartwell, St. Andrews Hill, Chartwell-on-the Severn, and St. Ives subdivisions, as recorded in the land records of the County in Plat Book No. 31, Pages 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 63; Plat Book No. 35, Page 33; Plat Book No. 36, Page 31; Plat Book No. 37, Page 18; Plat Book No. 38, Page 14; Plat Book No. 39, Page 1; Plat Book No. 41, Pages 11 and 40; Plat Book No. 43, Page 25; Plat Book No. 46, Page 32; Plat Book No. 53, Page 23; Plat Book No. 62, Page 3; Plat Book No. 68, Page 9; Plat Book No. 71, Page 38; and Plat Book No. 84, Page 25.
The district is established for the purpose of maintenance and improvement of common areas; maintenance of recreational equipment and facilities; operation of a community security program; and the administrative expenses necessary to carry out these purposes. Additionally, the Chartwell Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Chartwell Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d) of the Anne Arundel County Code (2005).
The County collects the annual SCBD assessment along with the real estate tax. The annual assessment for this SCBD is subject an annual review and approval process by residents as provided by the laws of the State of Maryland, Anne Arundel County, and the procedures contained in the Bylaws of the CCA. The Association does not pursue outstanding dues, relying instead on the enforcement powers of the County to collect all unpaid assessments. Further information on whether a property owner is current on all of its assessments (including the SCBD) can be found by logging on to AACOUNTY.ORG, choosing the "e Services" tab on the left sidebar, and initiating a "View or Pay Real Estate Taxes . . ." inquiry on the specific property address.